O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 106: 1 What is it that all of us really want from life? Isn’t it simply just one thing? I think many people will answer this question with one word: Happiness. And what’s the simplest, easiest way to be more happy? It’s just being grateful! Being grateful has many benefits, all of which are highly underrated, and that’s exactly why I've got over 20 super benefits of practicing gratitude in your everyday life. … [Read more...]
Three Kitchen Savings Tips That I Actually Use
Who doesn't love saving money in the kitchen? I know I love saving money any way I can. I have three simple ways I save in the kitchen. These are actual things I am currently doing. The great thing? They are all very easy ways to save too. Kitchen Savings Tip 1 So, I tried to cut costs by buying very cheap non-branded trash bags. You know what? They didn't work. At all. In fact, they ripped! So my first, very important tip is use Hefty. Hefty Ultra Strong to be exact. The price is still … [Read more...]
Three Easy Secrets to Protect the Kids Summer Clothes
This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and P&G. All opinions are mine alone. Laundry is never ending in my home. We probably do one load every three days for our family of four. We are not one of those families that lets the laundry pile up, we literally do laundry (one load at a time) quite frequently. This summer as we're playing outside and enjoying our summer adventures, I know I'll have to do a lot of laundry. But that's ok -- we're making great memories. It's all worth … [Read more...]
Mom Hacks with Baby Wipes
BECAUSE KIDS OUTGROW DIAPERS, NOT MESSES* - use Huggies® Wipes, the only wipes with TripleClean™ Layers for all your best mom hacks. We carry a package of Walmart Huggies Wipes with us every we go. In fact, they are in our mini-van under our center console and we use them - often. Baby wipes can be used for meal time hacks. Use wipes to clean messy: hands faces utensils table high chair bibs food preparation Baby wipes can be used for play time hacks to … [Read more...]
Vegetarian Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Our family loves getting the chicken alfredo pizza at Olive Garden, but since we are vegetarian we order it without the chicken. We decided to try and recreate our favorite pizza at home using vegetarian chicken: What I like about making pizza at home is you know exactly what the ingredients are. We used A whole grain pizza crust Light Alfredo Sauce Organic Mozzarella cheese Vegetarian Chicken Strips Green Onions I have an app on my iPhone that lets my Princess "make" pizza. … [Read more...]