Beach camping is not a trip for the pristine, the bug fearing, or the shade lover. Yet, beach camping, adventure camping at its most unique, is a memorable, must be repeated, experience for everyone who has dared to brave this vacation favorite. Most campers have an innate sense of what to pack for the basic camping trip. Tents, sleeping bags, coolers, lanterns, sturdy shoes, these are all things that fly off the shelf come June. What's so different about beach camping? A lot. While these things … [Read more...]
Packing for a Beach Picnic
A picnic at the beach is a wonderful way to celebrate the beautiful summer weather. The picnic could be the entire reason for the trip to the beach, or it could be part of a larger excursion. Either way, a little bit of planning can make this a fun and stress-free mini-vacation. Cutlery – with extras Regular cutlery is fine, but if you’re worried that someone might misplace a piece from your set, the sturdy-but-cheap plastic stuff works well, too. Extra spoons and forks are needed for … [Read more...]
Have Fun in the Sand with New Playmobil Beach Toys!
Our family loves visiting the beach in our community, Martha's Beach. Since it's right here in our community, it's close enough to walk our dog Max down to. What's fun about having a Chocolate Labrador Retriever is that he loves the water just as much, if not more, than our kids. Nate loves playing with the drift wood, in the rocks, and in the sand. He'll play well with or without sand toys. But, he'll play longer when he has a beach toy. Our general beach essentials include: … [Read more...]
Summer Beach Party (Fun Party Ideas!)
We are on vacation in Southern California this week. We are spending time at the beach and at the pool. My kids love the water - they are both little fish. Growing up in Southern California, my husband is a surfer, my daughter now loves boogie boarding and my son is happy playing in the sand. Me? I just love the sunbathing the most! So in honor of our family vacation to Southern California, I thought I'd round up some great beach party ideas. Who doesn't love a great beach … [Read more...]
I don’t print pictures, I share them. Digital safety is important.
How was your summer? We had such a great summer. I have hundreds of pictures on my external hard drive and of course on the blog and my social media channels to prove it. But I don't print pictures out anymore, I share them. Which means digital safety is important. Do you print you photos still? We went camping in June, to Welk Resort San Diego in July, the Oregon coast in August, and in a little over a week we'll spend 9 days in Hawaii. We have such great travel experiences. I am so … [Read more...]
Why Book a Last Minute Vacation?
Are you like me and crave some sunshine and sand this summer? Can’t wait to sun yourself beach-side while listening to the kids making a splash in the ocean? If so, you might very well be considering a last minute vacation for the family, and good for you! We as parents are so stressed throughout the school year and vacation plans are put last on the list. Whether it is a stressful house move or an unexpected bill a last minute vacation can be a great idea. But, what do you need to bear in … [Read more...]
Swimming Hair Care Tips
My Princess has been well past the stage of needing a hair cut. She wanted long hair so badly, that I let it grow. But the thing is, it was not really growing. Instead, with all her swimming, her hair was getting very badly damaged. We use natural shampoo for her as well as a natural detangler, but she was whining everyday about her hair being brushed. So after a month of swimming in the pool in Iowa {literally almost everyday}, I told her that we were going for a haircut. I explained, … [Read more...]