As much as I truly love being a mother, I am also a human being which means being a mother can get to be a bit tiring and stressful on a day to day basis. I mean, it takes a whole lot out of you! Sometimes you get to feeling like you're going to go crazy because maybe that day there is a whole lot going on, and that's completely okay. However I am going to be giving you a few tips and tricks for remaining calm on those stressful days, and how to have a bit more patience with your little … [Read more...]
I’m Going to Miss Nap Time
My son will be 4 in two months. That amazes me because the time has flown by so quickly. I'll let you in on a secret: everyday, I still lay him down for a nap. Just like I've done the last 3+ years. In fact, as I'm writing this blog post he is leaning against my right side and arm, sleeping peacefully. We're snuggled under the comforter on my bed and it's warm enough to fall asleep with him. I'm going to miss nap time when he outgrows this stage. He naps for about an hour each day now. He has … [Read more...]
Positive Parenting with Preschoolers
If there’s one age group of children that will give you a run for your money, it is preschoolers. They have a mind of their own, yet they don’t quite know how to communicate how they think and feel. I've had a hard month. I've really focused and controlled my own parenting behavior. I am committed to positive parenting -- for me that means no more spankings, yelling, and time-outs without explanation. My son calls me, "The New Mommy". I've made a couple mistakes, apologized and we've gotten over … [Read more...]
He’s a Mommy’s Boy and That’s Okay.
There are days when it feels like a burden. I won't lie -- he's so attached to me that I get to the point of frustration, annoyance -- anger even. It's amazing how much you can love a child and still feel like you're going absolutely crazy. Now that he's going to preschool for 3.5 hours a day, I've started leaving him alone at his class at church. Which means, I get to finally go to my own adult class at church. I have longed to go to an adult class, discuss scripture and life, and … [Read more...]
Kids Chores: 10 Chores for Preschoolers
Teaching your kids how to help out around the home is a great way to promote a positive work ethic. If you start early enough, your child may even enjoy helping out because they get a strong sense of contributing to the household. However, it can sometimes be difficult figuring out which tasks are age-appropriate. You want it to be something that they can easily handle that also won’t require you to micromanage or clean up after them. [Tweet "Preschool chores: promote a positive work … [Read more...]
How to Get the Most out of Disney World with a Preschooler
Visiting Disney World with children is one of the most exciting and magical things that can happen in a child’s life. For preschoolers, the moments are often fleeting and forgotten after the first couple years, though their ability to remember the smallest details from a trip is surprising. With toddlers it’s all about creating moments and experiences that they care about, and doing so in a way that leaves you feeling like you are getting your money’s worth for the activities and participation … [Read more...]
Celebrating Potty Training Success!
I am proud to say that my Little Man is completely potty trained. I've tried and tried with this kid but once again I've realized that when they are ready they are ready. He is completely out of diapers, even at night! I am seriously doing a celebratory dance right now. In celebration of this great milestone, I am teaming up with Kandoo to share a fun way to celebrate the potty training process, plus a chance to win one of 50 Potty Training Prize Packs. Yep, you heard that right - there will … [Read more...]