Back in mid summer we started to see two small little teeth nubs behind our daughter's bottom baby teeth. Her permanent bottom front teeth were coming in! Everyone was excited. When we told her to start wiggling her baby teeth to get them more loose, she wasn't too keen on it. She said it hurt. So for the month of August, we told her to wiggle it or we'd have to bring her to the dentist in September. She didn't wiggle it much at all. Goodness, I remember wiggling my teeth until they were … [Read more...]
Late Night Blogging Part 2
I am trying to catch up on my scrapbook. I have only finished through April of 2008. So tonight I worked on it for a little bit. Isabella had other plans though. She wanted to look at all the pages. She loves pictures, especially when she recognizes the people. Tonight she recognized Grandpa and Grandma from a page I did from March 2008 - their 30th anniversary page. So I told her that it was Grandpa and Grandma and she leaned down and kissed the picture of them holding her. How … [Read more...]
Good Girl Or Not?
We laughed today about Isabella's home personality and her public personality. Whenever we are out in public whether it be church, shopping, or visiting family and friends she is a delight. Everyone comments on what a happy baby she is. She almost never cries in public. Her whining and crying is reserved for home. I suppose I don't mind everyone thinking she is the best behaved baby in the world. Friday, Isabella stood up by herself in the center of the room! She had been letting go while she … [Read more...]
First Words and New Toys
Isabella loves to stand at our sliding glass door and watch our family dog DJ lay out on the deck. Well, it is official she finally said "Dee Hay" while looking at him! It was the first time she used the sound "Dee" instead of "Daa". I clapped and praised her, which made her very happy. It is exciting to see her trying to talk now. She is using quite a few sounds now, but mama sound has only happened maybe 2-3 times but not trying to call me mama. But soon, I know. I am happy she is saying dada … [Read more...]
Grandparents are Important
I don't think that some people realize how lucky they are to have grandparents living nearby. This long holiday weekend we have had the luxury of having my parents here. It has been heaven. They help so much with Isabella, and they love playing with her. We love her so much but it is so nice to have others here to hold her, play with her, pick her up, wash her, change her, feed her, walk with her.... and so much more. And she loves it too. My parents came down for Labor Day weekend, … [Read more...]
Standing, Standing, Standing
On August 25th I was sitting in our old brown leather chair we inherited from my husband's family and Isabella pulled herself up on my leg and stood! She has been standing with help for quite some time but this was the first time she did it all by herself. We are entering a new phase I see: Mobile Isabella She crawls, stands and climbs. What's next? Talking, Walking, School, College, Marriage... It is just going too fast. Right now as I am typing this blog post she following our dog DJ all … [Read more...]
Crawling Already? Oh yes!
She is crawling! Almost exactly 8 months old and now much more mobile. Yay for my Princess! Crawling: Thursday, while I was working on the laptop, Isabella was playing on the floor in the office. I was trying very hard to work quickly on my laptop and entertain her on the floor, but it wasn't working. She was not happy. So I grabbed a plastic cup and because I grabbed that cup she wanted it. {It had been on the floor the whole time but she didn't care about it until I touched it, why do … [Read more...]