As we followed our trusty GPS into Indianapolis last week, we were greeted with this fun sight - dinosaurs trying to get inside the Indianapolis Children"s Museum. We knew right away, this children's museum was going to be fun fun fun! With 472,900-square feet, more than 120,000 artifacts, and over 1 million visitors each year, we are the largest children’s museum in the world. We spent four hours in this fun museum and kept commenting how if we lived here we'd definitely get an annual … [Read more...]
Life in Indiana
We are enjoying life in Indiana this fall. Our Little Man just turned 5 months old and he has adjusted very nicely to the time zone difference. I am putting him to bed every night by 8pm and he is such a good little sleeper. {Thank the Lord.} He is in love with his hands and feet. He is always grabbing his feet trying in vain to get them in his mouth. Plus, he can watch his hands for long periods of time. He passes his teething rings from one hand to another over and over. It is so … [Read more...]
Family Travel Idea: Indianapolis Zoo in Indianapolis, IN
This week we went to the Indianapolis Zoo on our day off. Rated one of the top zoos in the country, we had a lot of fun walking around the zoo. Have you been to the Indianapolis Zoo? Highly recommend it! The Dolphin Show is fabulous (short, but fabulous)! … [Read more...]
Family Travel to Indiana
Let me just say, traveling with 2 kids is a bit more difficult than traveling with one. This is our first seminar with our Little Man. At four months of age, he didn't do too bad. I just forgot how you must constantly keep a baby occupied on an airplane so they are quiet. I got used to my Princess being such a good traveler. So when you travel to Indiana, a mommy just can't watch the movie and ignore the baby... All 3 in my family have a virus too! Yep, we are that family. You know the one: 2 … [Read more...]
Sharing the Good News in Indiana
After 5 months of being home, the kids and I will accompany my husband to Indiana this week. We are all pretty excited about going to a great community in Indiana and sharing the good news of the gospel. That is what my husband does - gets invited to communities across North America to share the gospel with people who want to hear it. Lives are changed when people come out and study the Bible and people choose to be baptized. Simple as that. And it is such a blessing to our family to be a part … [Read more...]