After 5 months of being home, the kids and I will accompany my husband to Indiana this week. We are all pretty excited about going to a great community in Indiana and sharing the good news of the gospel. That is what my husband does – gets invited to communities across North America to share the gospel with people who want to hear it. Lives are changed when people come out and study the Bible and people choose to be baptized. Simple as that. And it is such a blessing to our family to be a part of something eternal.
I won’t lie. Even though I am excited about going for the next month to a new state, I am nervous about the flight from Seattle with a 4 month old. I also wonder how the new town will be, how homeschool will go there, and how I can keep up with this blog.
A 91 year old WWII Pearl Harbor survivor spoke at church for us. He mainly shared his experience with the war. It was exciting, inspiring and brought tears to my eyes many times. He has worked in Christian radio since he got out of the Navy and he shared an exciting story of angels being used in Muslim villages to spread the gospel. I have always loved personal stories and stories about miracles. God can use angels to do His work and the fact that He wants to use my husband and our family to touch lives amazes me to this day.
My Princess is very excited about going on an airplane and going to a new state. She has been trying to pack her things all last week. She does not want to forget her favorite things which include headbands and lip gloss. There is a good chance she travels better than I do.
So as we embark on a new journey, sharing the good news in Indiana, pray for us.
And please don’t forget to pray for my sister in law Melanie. Her latest PET Scan showed residual tumor in her brain. It is not the news we had been praying for. Thankfully, our family trusts in God no matter the outcome. But our prayer and desire is for the tumor not to grow. We want her to have a long and healthy life.
Thats amazing that you guys do that..i hope you have a safe trip and enjoy your time there =]
That is so amazing that you guys do this! How generous of your husband, as well as yourselves to do this. I will continue to pray too!
WOW!!! All this and a four month old too…you are brave and committed. I love that your family is so passionate about your faith and are actively making a difference in the world!!! How long are you staying there? Enjoy your time.