BECAUSE KIDS OUTGROW DIAPERS, NOT MESSES* - use Huggies® Wipes, the only wipes with TripleClean™ Layers for all your best mom hacks. We carry a package of Walmart Huggies Wipes with us every we go. In fact, they are in our mini-van under our center console and we use them - often. Baby wipes can be used for meal time hacks. Use wipes to clean messy: hands faces utensils table high chair bibs food preparation Baby wipes can be used for play time hacks to … [Read more...]
Potty Training? You Need to Check This Out
This is a sponsored post for Pull-Ups. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. So my Little Man is 28 months old and we are potty training. We still have a ways to go, but he is doing good. If I stay consistent each day with this, he does quite well. Plus, he is starting to tell me when we are out and about when he has to go. That is a big plus. Potty training is a hard job isn't it? Maybe some kids have an easy time with it, but it has … [Read more...]
He Loves Riding His Push Vehicles
This post brought to you by Huggies® Little Movers. All opinions are 100% mine. It has become impossible to keep my Little Man still. He literally is always on the go. The upside? He sleeps really well at night, much better than his sister did when she was 2 years old. The downside? I am so tired - all the time! His current favorite thing to do at home right now is to ride on his push vehicles. I won't even tell you how many different push vehicles we have (it's embarrassing) but he rides … [Read more...]
He’s Walking, Running, Jumping – Oh My!
I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for Huggies. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. My Little Man was a late walker. My husband was starting to get worried. I figured he was fine though and I was in no hurry at all to have him walking. Because I knew. My life would drastically change once my baby was on the move. Since he was 17 months old I have been chasing him like crazy. Now he isn't … [Read more...]
Our Potty Training Experience
I documented our experience with potty training my Princess quite frequently four plus years ago. It was a long transition for our family. I bought her a fun pink potty chair when she was 18 months. I had high hopes and expectations of potty training. But you know what? My daughter wasn't fully potty trained until she was 34 months. Yep, no more diapers or Pull-ups at 2 years old and 10 months. What a long ordeal! I learned a lot and even wrote an entire post with "10 Potty Training … [Read more...]
Pool Party Ideas
I don't know about you all, but I have been quite happy with the weather we've been having in Western Washington. Sunshine, Sunshine, Sunshine. Oh yeah! Both of my kids were in swimming lessons for the first time this past month and did great. They passed and are now ready to take their next levels. Do your kids take swimming lessons? With the summer season fast approaching, my mind tends to think about my Little Man's birthday. This year he is turning two and we will be having a party at … [Read more...]
Ways to Protect a Climbing Toddler
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Huggies. I received product samples to facilitate my review and to thank me for my participation. My toddler is climbing {a lot}. He loves climbing up on anything he possible can. Yesterday, he actually fell off the dining room chair and hit his head. Thankfully, he didn't get hurt too bad. First he was walking, then running, and now climbing. Oh my! This Little Man is getting big way to fast! {Stay a baby … [Read more...]