I find it rather unfair that we girls have a bad reputation for being tardy. If anything, we are top-notch multitaskers. On occasions when we reach late somewhere, we ought to be excused. Ask any man to do his morning essentials, cook meals for the family, pick out a smart outfit keeping the day’s schedule in mind and ensure that his shoes, makeup and hair is on point. I bet my life, half his day is going to be over just figuring out what his outfit’s got to do with the day’s schedule! … [Read more...]
I’m Thinking of New Shoulder Length Hair Style
I have been trying to grow my hair out for the last two years. Maybe more. I can't even remember, it has been so long. It just won't grow. While we were at the hairdresser last week getting my daughter's hair cut, she told me them hair has a life span. It won't grow longer than a certain length. Ever. Is that true? 'Cause if it is I am super bummed. I was hoping to get mid-back length hair at some point soon. So now I've been loading up my Pinterest Hair Inspiration board with possibilities … [Read more...]
Perfect Shampoo for My Hair
I usually like my thick, wavy, dark hair and if I had more time, I am sure I'd be fixing it into stylish hairdos a lot more. With Native American and Puerto Rican ethnicity in my family, long hair is something I desire. I am getting impatient trying to keep it long though. With small children, I do pull it back quite a bit. One day I will have more of a hair style... So when we are traveling for work, or for fun, I like my hair to look its best. But not just my hair, my scalp as well. … [Read more...]
Winter Hair Help!
Do you suffer from dry hair in the winter? I definitely do. {And since we've be here in Baton Rouge, swimming in an indoor chlorinated pool, it is even worse!} I have thick hair that can get dry and frizzy in the winter months, so I know I need help. All hair can get weak and brittle in the winter months. So it is important to take of it. Here are a five tips for your winter hair: hot water damages hair by stripping the natural oils so even though it is cold you don't want to turn that … [Read more...]