I am blessed to have one grandparent alive still - my grandpa. He's 82 and very active and still spoils me and my kids both. They call him Grandpa Greats. We see him numerous times per week because he only lives a mile and a half from our house. I never want to lose my grandpa. We've been close my entire life. Last year for Grandparent's Day, I got my grandpa his favorite gift - chocolate. This year, I want to have the kids make him something too. Grandparents Day is coming up soon. Have you … [Read more...]
Road Trip to Oregon…That Didn’t Happen
This week my dad had a work trip from Sunday through Thursday in Oregon. He decided to take my mom and my Princess. She was quite excited to be going on a big road trip to Oregon and happily packed up her clothing, snacks, and toys. We were all set - everything was placed by the front door ready for her Papa to pack in to the sport utility vehicle. She stayed the night at their house so they could get up in the morning early and leave. The plan was to leave her in her pajamas and carry her out … [Read more...]
House Party and Grandparent’s Visit
Our Fisher Price house party went very well on Sunday. Isabella enjoyed herself with the other 6 kids who attended. At one point I was watching her interacting with another child - a two year old - and she was so happy. She does this thing when she is happy, she hits things with both of her hands. She does it in the air to music, or laughing, anytime she is happy, her arms go up and down. So anyway she was happily playing and she crawled up to this boy and started hitting him on the back, … [Read more...]
Grandparents are Important
I don't think that some people realize how lucky they are to have grandparents living nearby. This long holiday weekend we have had the luxury of having my parents here. It has been heaven. They help so much with Isabella, and they love playing with her. We love her so much but it is so nice to have others here to hold her, play with her, pick her up, wash her, change her, feed her, walk with her.... and so much more. And she loves it too. My parents came down for Labor Day weekend, … [Read more...]