This week my dad had a work trip from Sunday through Thursday in Oregon. He decided to take my mom and my Princess. She was quite excited to be going on a big road trip to Oregon and happily packed up her clothing, snacks, and toys. We were all set – everything was placed by the front door ready for her Papa to pack in to the sport utility vehicle. She stayed the night at their house so they could get up in the morning early and leave. The plan was to leave her in her pajamas and carry her out to the vehicle. A few hours of the driving could be done while she was still sleeping.
It seemed like a great plan. In fact, we use that plan when we drive with our kids too. But when they woke my Princess up at 5am she cried. Hard. For mommy. She just could not go for 4 days on a road trip to Oregon. So instead of driving her to Oregon, they drove her home.
I won’t lie. I was disappointed. I had some plans already made since I would only have a 3 month old at home with me. So when she woke up later that morning and was acting like her normal hyper self, I said, “Why didn’t you go with your Papa and Nana?“
I felt guilty after I said it. I didn’t say it in a nice voice. I didn’t want her to think I didn’t want her home. But we moved on. Through out the day, I felt bad for getting annoyed with her. I really did think she should have gone to Oregon. She would have had fun. Been spoiled by her grandparents. Been able to swim in a pool and much more.
That night after her bath, she came into the bedroom and said, “Why didn’t I go with my Papa?“
I sat down with her and said, ‘Because you are 4 and you were scared to be gone that long. You love mommy and daddy and even brother. You just didn’t want to miss us. And that’s ok.“
I proceeded to ap0logize for being upset with her that she didn’t go. I reassured her of my love and we had Bible story time and prayer. She gave me a big hug. She loves me so much. Some days I don’t even feel worthy of that kind of love.
We talk about how much we love our kids. And we do. More than life itself. But it is easy to forget how much they truly love us. God has placed these little ones in our life and we are responsible for their upbringing. I for one want to do a good job.
These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6: 6-9
Praise the LORD! Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed.
Psalms 112:1-2
I don’t think you did anything to feel guilty about. Yours was a normal response. Before you know it, she’ll be a little older and asking to spend lots of time away with Nana and Papa. Some of my fondest childhood memories were spent during summer trips with my Grandmother.
I have great memories of trips with my grandparents as well. It will be nice when she is older and will be more than happy to go and experience fun things with them. Thanks Angela for coming by!
That’s the thing about small children, you’ve got to be flexible and ready for anything. She’ll want to go when she’s a little older and she wont’ be so scared. Poor thing. She looks so sweet there in that photo above.
Thanks, Tiffany. There will be more opportunities for her to go. I thought since we are only doing PreK at home right now it’d be a good time, it will be more difficult when we are doing K homeschool. But that is the nice thing about homeschool. We can take a few days off and have fun. ๐
I recently traveled to LA for a few days ALONE. It was definitely challenging at times! It can be so difficult to be away from the kids!
Isn’t that funny? We always want a break but when we get one, then we miss our kids like crazy! So true Mariah. But that trip to LA was quite awesome!
When things don’t seem to go our way and we don’t quite realize why, I love when our children show us the reasons even if they don’t show us right away. God has a plan and when your little one is ready, she’ll let you know ๐
Thanks Danielle. I appreciate that. God is in control. Enjoy the new week!
Kids are so genuine and truly say how they feel; I love that. I totally understand that you had your mind set on something and it can be disappointing when it doesn’t go the way we planned but don’t beat yourself up over your reaction, that would be normal. You can tell just how much you love your children. Sometimes I am not proud of myself as a mother with how I react but I know that at the end of the day my children know I love them.
Thank you Amanda for saying that. It does make me feel much better. What a job – motherhood – it is so hard to describe to people who are not mothers. The hardest, but most rewarding thing I have done in my life!