A guest post from Wondercide. It’s February, and love is in the air. Valentine’s Day is on the 14th, Galentine’s/Palentine’s Day is on February 15, Love Your Pet Day is on the 20th and a lesser-known holiday is Doggy Date Night, which kicks off the month of love on February 3. So how can all these caring holidays be celebrated to show loved ones how much they mean to us? Here are 10 fun ways to celebrate Valentines Day with pets in February. February 3, Doggy Date Night 1. Bake … [Read more...]
Choosing the Best Halloween Costumes for Dogs
Having your dog all dressed up beside you on the night of Halloween is just adorable. It shows that you really care about your pet and you want to include them in anything and everything. Picking out this costume can be hard sometimes and many problems can come along. Practical Tips for Choosing the Best Halloween Costumes for Dogs There is the issue of having your dog be comfortable, you do not want them to hate it the whole time. Wearing an itchy or poky costume can make them do … [Read more...]
How to Clean Dog Ears with Homemade Solution
Cleaning ears is not the most glamorous part of natural dog grooming. Still, dirty ears can be cleaned so easily and effectively. Plus, the inside of a dog’s ear is an ideal environment for yeast overgrowth or problem infections. A little preventive attention can go a long way towards keeping a dog healthy and problem free. How to Clean Dog Ears If a dog’s ears are generally healthy, but have dirty looking oil, wax, or debris, then cleaning the ear at home is possible. If something looks … [Read more...]
How to Stop Your Dog From Jumping
My chocolate lab, Max weighs in at about 80-pounds … a big boy, nothing to sneer at. He's fast, he's strong and worst of all: he knows it. He can knock you down pretty easily. So how to stop your dog from jumping... I tested his training (or lack thereof) with a yes/no checklist before I really buckled down to make a change. The test looked something like this: Has he pulled me down on a walk? Yes.Has he caused me to go over the handle bars on a bike ride? Ouch, terrible memory: yes.Has he … [Read more...]
Eye Infection in Dogs
At some point, many dog owners will notice that their dog has eye discharge and redness, leading them to wonder, "Is my dog's eye infected?" Eye infections are not uncommon in dogs; in fact, some dog breeds are more prone to eye infections. Dogs breeds like the Maltese, Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, and other dog breeds that are prone to tear staining are also more apt to develop eye infections. The conditions that cause tear staining in dogs -- eye discharge and fur around the eyes that capture the … [Read more...]
Celebrate National Best Friend Day with Think Like a Dog
This is a sponsored post It's National Best Friend Day! Who will you celebrate with? Maybe like Nate, your best friend is a dog - the family pet. Nate would be so happy if he could hear what Max was thinking. That's the fun premise of a new family movie out today. Rent Think Like a Dog today! Here's a fun free printable PDF. You can use it to draw your own furry best friend. About Think Like a Dog Movie Josh Duhamel and Megan Fox star in this whimsical family comedy … [Read more...]
5 Must Do Social Distancing Activities at Home with the Kids!
A guest post by Katy McQuaid Social distancing puts a whole new twist on life. If you’re anything like me, you realize how many things you took for granted, like getting together with family and friends whenever or wherever we wanted. Even simple walks to a neighborhood market or park with my dog, Grace, don’t happen as easily. Social Distancing Activities with Pets! So how do we make the most of this time, now that we can’t get together and do the things we are used to doing? I … [Read more...]