Though recycling isn't mandatory, it's something you certainly should consider doing, both for the well-being of the planet and future generations. Getting your children in on the act, at an early age, is even better. Here are a few ways to make household recycling fun for everyone. Way to Make Household Recycling Fun Decorate Your Recycle Bins The majority of cities supply at least one or two recycle bins to every interested household. Whether you use the bins provided or purchase your … [Read more...]
REPREVE Recycled Plastic and 5 Tips for Kids
REPREVE is a recycled fiber that helps turn plastic bottles you recycle into cool stuff you can wear and use every day. Now there’s no excuse not to recycle! A lot of brands you love use REPREVE to make their products greener: • Volcom graphic t-shirts are made with REPREVE, using 2 recycled plastic bottles. • One Patgonia fleece jacket with REPREVE has 40 recycled plastic bottles, so you can be a real “active-ist.” • Life Khaki by Haggar uses REPREVE to put 7 recycled plastic bottles in … [Read more...]
8 Simple Ways to Be Environmentally Friendly
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of White Cloud for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. I don't know about you, but I actually feel good about myself as a person when I purchase items that are environmentally friendly. It also feels great to do things that reduce my carbon footprint. Here are 8 simple ways that our family is living the green: Recycling Shorter Showers Washing in Cold Water and Hanging to Dry Lights Out Unplugging items Using Reusable … [Read more...]