So I have been slowly plugging along with Weight Watchers. Since June I am down 15 lbs and kind of stayed there. The holidays kicked my behind a bit... well more than a bit. I ended up gaining 5 lbs! So I have 15 lbs to go on this journey. Truly, this is not a diet but a lifestyle change. It is no secret that I have a sweet tooth. I love sweet things. Who am I kidding, I just love food. So apple slices with cinnamon and splenda is my new favorite go to snack. It is sweet, satisfying, … [Read more...]
Points Plus Vegetarian Recipe
Tuesdays are the day I weigh in at my local Weight Watcher's meeting. I was worried this week since the last week and half I was on a Canoe Journey. Though I wasn't pigging out, I definitely was not counting my points while camping. Thankfully, at weigh in on Tuesday morning I had lost 3.4 pounds in two weeks. I was very happy indeed. So now I have lost a total of 11.6 lbs since June 12 when I began this weight loss journey. (Enough pounds lost this week to get my clapper - a plastic hand … [Read more...]
Weight Loss Made Simple
I started Weight Watchers with my sister on Tuesday, June 12. I'd like to lose this baby weight and the 15 extra lbs that I had put on before I got pregnant. The first two weeks have been difficult. I am craving everything that I should not eat. Every day, I want chocolate and potato chips, maybe for the simple reason that I shouldn't eat that, at least not as often any more. I stayed strong and the first weigh-in (on June 19), I lost 2.2 lbs. I started exercising again this week. Just walking, … [Read more...]