Each summer our reservation qualifies for an outdoor activity grant. So all tribal members who exercise, including the children, get $10 each week in the form of a gift certificate to our local farm stand. Cha Ching! We've been getting $30 each week for eight weeks to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Isn't that awesome? Thankfully, our favorite summer snacks include fruit. When the summer began we were getting a lot of strawberries and raspberries. Then, it was blueberries and apricots. Now … [Read more...]
Fresh Cherry Sauce Recipe
This summer it was an early cherry season for us in Western Washington. And like every season before, it was a race to get to the cherries before the birds got them all. Nothing seems to be keeping those robins and black birds from eating up the cherries. We love our cherries here in Washington state. I wanted to share a very easy recipe for fresh cherries. Fresh Cherry Sauce Recipe Ingredients 4 cups sweet cherries, pitted 2 large dates, halved and seeded Juice of one small … [Read more...]
Summer Fruit and Vegetable Recipes
Check out Fresh Summer Fruit and Vegetable Recipes by LaVonne Cladoosby Long at Foodie.com I visited my local farm today. In Western Washington we have a lot of great family farms. I am blessed because the one in my small town is also organic. I was able to pick up Strawberries, Raspberries, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, and Basil today. My kids ate up the berries pretty quickly today - I'm gonna have to stop and get more! Which summer fruits or vegetables do your kids love? With the … [Read more...]
Blackberry Pie Filling
Followed this blackberry pie filling recipe and canned some amazing fruit! I love canning! Have you done any canning this year? … [Read more...]