Essential oils are a great way to naturally support your family’s overall health and well-being. It has been a busy month already for our family. Getting back from a 12 day vacation and jumping right into the holidays - I am feeling swamped. Plus, I've committed to being active at my local gym. (I'm paying for it, so I want to get my money's worth.) I just need some me-time. It feels long overdue. A great way to wind down and relax is using peppermint essential oil. My favorite way, right … [Read more...]
Back to School Tips for the Stressed Out Parent
My Little Man has finished his first month of Preschool. Whew! While I am thankful, having two kids in two separate schools, teaching our local chapter of Adventurer Club, and running a blog - well, it's easy to get stressed out. While you are getting into the groove of back to school season, I wanted to remind you all that staying healthy is important for stressed out parents as well. 3 Back to School Tips for the Stressed Out Parent Sleep While getting down the sleep routine is essential … [Read more...]
My Favorite Ways to Use Lavender Essential Oil
Here in Western Washington you'll find many great lavender farms. I absolutely love lavender. Not only is it a beautiful herb, it also smells divine. The flower and the oil of lavender have been used for centuries. Do you like lavender? My favorite ways to use lavender are the simple ways -- in my laundry and at bedtime. For laundry, place a few drops on cloth or laundry dryer sheet to freshen laundry scent and naturally deodorize. [Tweet "Use lavender essential oil when doing … [Read more...]