This week we are at our church camp meeting. We are staying in our RV trailer for a week and actually having a lot of fun with the other campers from churches around Washington state. My Princess has a Kindergarten class happening three times per day all week. She LOVES it! When you get to send your child to class three times per day, that makes parenting a lot easier for the week! Parenting can be stressful, can't it? I stopped by her class 5 minutes early to spy on her. They were finishing … [Read more...]
Daddy Daughter Vacation to California
This last week my husband took my daughter on a trip to California for four nights. He went to visit his sister in the San Diego area and to celebrate their birthdays. You see, my daughter and husband have birthdays this month. You have no idea how excited my Princess was to be able to go on a trip just with Daddy. Did your older child have trouble transitioning to a two child home? My Princess loves her brother and is really good to him. But she does share her feelings with us - her parents - … [Read more...]
All About Her – My Princess
My daughter and I went on mommy daughter date last week and had a great time. I bought a new dress. She ate orange sherbet for the first time and loved it. It is hard to believe how fast time is going by. This is what it will always be like. A blink. And she'll be gone. Grown up. It is so bittersweet. My Princess She loves to dance in the aisle during song service. She steals the iPhone to watch Kung Fu Panda way too loudly during prayer. She is independent and stubborn. She has no idea … [Read more...]
Girl’s Night In: Mini Strawberry Pie
My husband was out of town this week. I was home with our two children for 3 1/2 days. Wow! I have so much respect for single moms. Being home alone with my kids was a lot harder than I expected it. The perk about my husband's job is he is home with us, and we go to work with him. We support each other. So since my husband was gone, my Princess and I decided to have a girl's night. Ever since we had girl's day in Iowa last year, my Princess loves doing girl's night when we are home alone. … [Read more...]
My Daughter is Funny
The things that come out of my preschool age daughter's mouth often make me laugh. It is quite funny to hear the thoughts of an almost 5 year old girl. She recently was acting poorly, misbehaving, being disrespectful, and basically just pushing my buttons. I was losing it. And out of nowhere she says, "Mommy, please don't put this on Facebook." Now, how can I be angry at such a cute little thing? She is learning that in this digital age I am sharing more and more things about our life. … [Read more...]