I have two kids. Neither of them slept well on their own the first two years of their life. I made the choice to breastfeed them to sleep and they never could just fall asleep on their own. We co-slept as well so their sleep habits were started from day one. Here's what our equation looked like Mommy + Breastmilk = Sleep. Some days it was great. Most days it was difficult. But it went by pretty fast and I don't regret it. I'm crazy like that. You know how they say, "Moms nap when your baby … [Read more...]
Freedom: I’ve Got My Bedroom Back!
I have stuck to my guns. My Little Man has slept in his own bed at the start of each night since he turned two. The latest he's slept in his own room was 4:00 am. Then I go in and lay next to him or let him come into bed with me. To be honest, it hasn't been easy. My husband was gone for a week right after we made the transition and it would have just been easier to have him in my bed with me. But I knew it would only have made it more difficult to keep him in his own bed. He … [Read more...]
Parenting A Toddler is Heartbreaking
I don't think I noticed it as much with child number one. Maybe because I knew we'd have a second baby. But last night, while I was sleeping in my bed for the first time without my Little Man I could feel my heart breaking. Parenting a toddler is bittersweet isn't it? Two days ago we took down the Princess Castle Bed that my daughter almost never slept in. We put up a newly redone wood bunk bed in it's place. This is the summer of transition. We've co-slept with both of our kids. It hasn't … [Read more...]