I can honestly say I've never felt super confident in this role of mother. I didn't think I had it before I was a mom and now that I am actally a mom to two kids, I certainly don't feel very confident. That is why, The Confident Mom, from Joyce Meyer is a timely book for me to read. Even I can regain lost hope and assurance in motherhood! [Tweet "Insecurity saps our faith. #TheConfidentMom"] Matthew 19: 26 says that "with God all things are possible." As mothers we must put all confidence … [Read more...]
Resolutions to Be More Like Jesus
My resolution every year is to get closer to Jesus than I was the year before. I want to be like Jesus and I want others to see Jesus living in me. The new Believe NIV topical Bible from Randy Frazee is a great way to meet that resolution. About Believe NIV Believe includes short topical passages from the NIV Bible, unlocking the 10 key beliefs, 10 key practices, and 10 key virtues that help people live the story of the Bible. This hardcover Bible breaks this 30-week Scripture experience into … [Read more...]
8 Qualities of a Winner
With the New Year upon us all, I know many have made resolutions. You might not have declared those resolutions yet, but in your mind I am sure you are making decisions on doing better in your life in some areas. That is what is so great about the New Year. It gives us a chance to reflect on the past year and enables us to make the necessary changes that can make 2015 even better. This is why I love books like You Can, You Will by Joel Osteen. Books like this make it easier to make changes in … [Read more...]
Say No to Pretend Christianity
We were talking about the Rich Young Rule in Matthew 19 at church recently which had me thinking about following Christ, obedience, full surrender, and pretend Christianity. Matthew 19:16-22 The Rich and the Kingdom of God 16 Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?” 17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” 18 “Which ones?” he … [Read more...]
Irish Worship Music? Yes, Please!
I had this long, nasty, almost six hour flight to Hawaii two weeks ago. Being in Hawaii is awesome. Getting there? Not so much. First I am traveling with a two year old. Never fun to travel with a two year old. Second, I get motion sickness pretty easily. So it is hard to watch movies and read while on the airplane. Thankfully, I had my parents on this flight and they could take the unruly aforementioned two year old. I also had a new CD I could listen to - Rend Collective: The Art of … [Read more...]
Bible Stories For Your Children
We love having a lot of book to choose from to read to the kids. Their book shelf is overflowing. But great Christian children's books are hard to pass up. So when I had the chance to review Magnificent Tales Treasury of Bible Stories, I couldn't pass it up. A large book of great rhyming stories straight from the Bible. Plus, the great illustrations make this book truly a treasure. The great rhyming from Kelly Pulley makes reading this a pleasure for children of all ages (even adults). The … [Read more...]
One Nation by Ben Carson
I don't get into politics on the blog or on social media and I don't intend to now. I am a conservative Christian, but being a minority women, I am more liberal socially. I wanted to share a little about Ben Carson's newest book, One Nation. In it he nicely explains what is going on in our country and some great ideas on how he'd change those things. I've read his biography and seen the movie based on his life and I believe he has good intentions. Though I might not agree with all his ideas I do … [Read more...]