At the beginning of the month, the Women's Ministry team from church hosted a Pink Party. We had so much fun planning for and hosting this party as our first big social event of the year. Of course, I turned to Oriental Trading for great pink party supplies. I asked our Pastor's wife and her mother to help us decorate because they just do a beautiful job. They were happy to work with the great supplies I found at Oriental Trading. I picked out hot pink and light pink party Party supplies … [Read more...]
Breast Health Education: Get the Facts
As you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is the time of year to increase awareness of the disease. I am thankful that I can use my blog as a place to raise awareness and offer information regarding breast health. Family history, I might not have shared often enough on this blog: my husband's mom, aunt, and grandmother all had breast cancer. So as a parent, with a daughter, with that breast cancer history in her paternal family, I honestly worry about her own breast … [Read more...]
Fight Breast Cancer
When my mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer our family was stunned. Of course, many families are not left untouched by cancer but to have a parent get cancer is not only unwelcome but also scary for children. When my mother-in-law lost her hair due to chemotherapy and radiation, my husband shaved his head right along with her. I am thankful to say that my mother in law is a breast cancer survivor. I am so proud of her and how she fought against the cancer in her body. We are thankful … [Read more...]
Great Ideas for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
It is hard to believe that it is October already. Where has 2011 gone? With October now here, that means it is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We have had breast cancer affect our family. My mother-in-law was diagnosed and survived breast cancer. We are so proud of her and thankful that she is still with us. Breast Cancer Statistics About 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. In 2016, an estimated 246,660 new cases of invasive breast … [Read more...]