This is a sponsored post with Groupon. All opinions are mine alone. My daughter's 9th birthday is coming up and we're still deciding what we'd like to do. We need to hurry and reserve something before it's too late! One place I love to look for birthday party ideas and even birthday gifts is Groupon. Do you check out Groupon before birthdays and holidays? There are so many fun options on Groupon! 5 Affordable Birthday Party Ideas from Groupon Movie Theater My kids both love the movie … [Read more...]
A Family Birthday Party (Native American #DisneySide)
Disney sent me this awesome box of party supplies to host my own #DisneySide party. You know, through a party, showing my unique family Disney side. The box they sent was for a multi-generational party. I had every intention of throwing this amazing party for the Super Bowl. You know, the Seahawks were going back to the Super Bowl again, and our family was beyond excited. I started scouring the internet for ideas - Disney Football party ideas. Then at the last minute my parents, sister and … [Read more...]
He’s Two: Disney Cars Birthday Party
My Little Man turned two this month. Wow! How time flies! Last year we hosted a home birthday party and it was fun, but a lot of work. This year we decided to have his birthday party at our local Children's Museum. We are members and so there was steep discount - no cleaning up, you can bring your own decorations and food, and the kids get to play with awesome things (restaurant, dentist office, bank, yacht, grocery store, dress-up stage, art room, and much much more!) How could we not host a … [Read more...]
Nathanael’s 1st Birthday: Big Rig Birthday Party
Thank you Make It Mine Parties for sponsoring today's post. My Little Man turned one! It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone. I wanted to have a small party for him with family and close friends. {He can have larger parties with more children like his sister's Reptile Party when he is older.} He has a few things he absolutely loves right now - dogs and vehicles. He can see a doggie anytime and be so happy. I wish we could get a dog but since we travel so much for … [Read more...]