I have stuck to my guns. My Little Man has slept in his own bed at the start of each night since he turned two. The latest he's slept in his own room was 4:00 am. Then I go in and lay next to him or let him come into bed with me. To be honest, it hasn't been easy. My husband was gone for a week right after we made the transition and it would have just been easier to have him in my bed with me. But I knew it would only have made it more difficult to keep him in his own bed. He … [Read more...]
Parenting A Toddler is Heartbreaking
I don't think I noticed it as much with child number one. Maybe because I knew we'd have a second baby. But last night, while I was sleeping in my bed for the first time without my Little Man I could feel my heart breaking. Parenting a toddler is bittersweet isn't it? Two days ago we took down the Princess Castle Bed that my daughter almost never slept in. We put up a newly redone wood bunk bed in it's place. This is the summer of transition. We've co-slept with both of our kids. It hasn't … [Read more...]
National Baby Wearing Month
Parenting Essential: ERGObaby Carrier
With the birth of our second child, I pulled out all my baby carriers, even blogged about it, but really wanted to try the ERGObaby carrier. I had seen great reviews online, and have a few friends who use one, so I was quite excited to review and giveaway the Aussie Khaki ERGObaby carrier. I was also sent the infant insert so that I could wear my Little Man before he was 12 lbs. About ERGObaby: Born in the relaxed environment of Hawaii, first designed by Karin Frost, the original Ergobaby … [Read more...]
Baby Essentials: Boba Baby Carrier
Our son is precious. Truly. And how can you not love those cheeks? He is a well breast fed baby. In addition to breast feeding we also believe in attachment parenting which includes wearing our baby. With the Boba Baby Carrier - our little man is safe and secure feeling loved right against us. We really love our Boba Baby Carrier - it is a baby essential for sure! About Boba: Boba designs thoughtfully-crafted products for active parents who want the time and freedom to create a real and … [Read more...]
Types of Baby Carriers
We have five types of baby carriers in our home that we used with our first child. I really love baby wearing. It made life so much easier, when I could wear my baby everywhere. It also gave me a sense of feeling closer to her as well. Since we decided to practice attachment parenting, baby carrying become a must in our home. I still have a bit of an addiction to baby carriers. I have been trying for weeks to win either a Boba carrier or Ergo carrier! Here are the five types of baby carriers … [Read more...]
Dr. Sears: Attachment Parenting, Can I Get a Refund?
It was a rough night last night. Isabella woke up more times than normal, and wanted to breastfeed to go back to sleep. Tyler had a big morning today and has to preach tonight as well, so I didn't want to disturb him. I just kept waking up and feeding her. (Yes, I am super mommy, didn't you know?) The Princess sleeps with us, and I still breastfeed, even a couple times per night. (Last night was worse.) Attachment parenting has its benefits, but today I am dwelling on how exhausted I am. You … [Read more...]