We have five types of baby carriers in our home that we used with our first child. I really love baby wearing. It made life so much easier, when I could wear my baby everywhere. It also gave me a sense of feeling closer to her as well. Since we decided to practice attachment parenting, baby carrying become a must in our home. I still have a bit of an addiction to baby carriers. I have been trying for weeks to win either a Boba carrier or Ergo carrier!
Here are the five types of baby carriers that we have:
A gift at one of my baby showers – the Moby Wrap in red, was my first baby carrier and it worked very well with a new born. A long strip of cloth that can be worn a variety of ways, the wrap carrier at first was quite difficult for me, and the length of the wrap a bit of a nuisance. After learning some basic ways to wrap it, I loved those first weeks, before I could use my structured carrier.
Structured Carrier
Another great gift we received and used a lot was our Baby Bjorn in black. I wore my daughter with this carrier the most. It was easy to put on and put her in, and matched so many of my clothes. I brought that carrier everywhere. With a body panel, waist straps, and shoulder straps including comfortable pads and great weight distribution, I cannot wait to use this carrier with my son.
Ring Sling
A ring sling is a sling carrier that has a ring instead of a knot that is worn at the shoulder. You can adjust this ring for the correct fit on your body type. This type of baby carrier was my least favorite. I found a Maya ring sling on Craigslist and though quite attractive, after prolonged wear the ring began hurting, there is a good chance I was wearing it incorrectly though. I will try to use it again though, with baby #2. Ideal for newborns and toddlers alike, a ring sling is still quite popular in baby wearing.
As my daughter got a bit bigger, I loved my Peanut Shell pouch. Stylish, more compact than my wrap, and easy to put her in and take her out, the pouch carrier quickly become my favorite type of baby carrier. A pouch carrier is a tube of fabric with a curved seam, so simple! I am glad that the pouch that I found at my local Target is in a gender neutral color. I can use it again with baby #2.
Mei Tei
When my daughter was a toddler I found a woman on Etsy who made Mei Tei baby carriers. I loved this carrier. With a panel, shoulder straps, and waist straps, the Mei Tei carrier was so simply to use, my daughter and I both loved it. (This was the carrier she asked my husband to carry her with just last week.) I wore her on my back up until she was 3 years old.
Which types of baby carriers do you like to use?
I loved all of the carriers above except the Bjorn. After reading the hip issues some babies have after being carried in them I went with an ergo and a boba carrier instead.
Love that you’ve been able to try out a few and find the ones that worked best for the stage your child was in. I found that no one carrier fit every single need and used multiple with both kids!
I did read a bit about that, Danielle. I didn’t notice any issues with my daughter though. She is 4 now. I do want an Ergo or Boba. I am always entering the giveaways! 🙂 I should just try to pitch them and get one for review. Then I could do an adequate comparison. 🙂
Very good information! All of the choices are overwhelming and I looked this up myself a few months ago.
Thanks for sharing!
It is overwhelming. I agree. Cloth diapers overwhelm me too. 🙂 Good luck. Choose the one you love. Everyone has their favorite.
I’m a fan of wraps when baby is just brand new, but this time around I have found the structured carrier to be more useful as she came into about 3 months. I love carriers! I also have a backpack that I will be able to use for hikes and on days when we walk more. I used it with my son up until he was about 2.5.
I forgot. I did find a Kelty backpack on Freecyle in amazing shape when I had my first. I actually never wore it, but my husband did when we were on hikes. I will have to pull that one out too.
I have a wrap, it’s the only one I’ve ever used. I didn’t/don’t do baby wearing all the time though and I found it always hurt my back but that’s probably because I was using the wrap, I’ve heard that the way it’s designed to be used isn’t good for your back.
I always admired moms who wear their babies everywhere as I couldn’t do it.
I love seeing moms wearing their babies too. I notice it a lot here in Western Washington. It can hurt your back after a while though, especially when you have a big baby like I did. I think #2 is going to be even bigger 🙂
I love babywearing! I have many different styles of baby carriers. My favorite is my mei tei and my structured Boba. I used a pouch and a sling when my littlest was younger.