Rainy days can be a complete bummer. They can also be a great way for a family to slow down in this fast-paced life and enjoy some quality time with each other. Life gets so hectic for the whole family. It is nice to have rainy day to slow everyone down. Baking, creating greeting cards, puppet show creation, car track, and board games are five fun rainy day activities the whole family would love.
Five Fun Rainy Day Activities
Baking is an old tried and true way to enjoy a rainy day. Families can bake cookies together. One person can make the dough, others can put it on the cookie sheet, and the rest can help eat the cookies. To make it more fun for the whole family bake shape cookies that can be decorated. Shape cookies are best with icing which is something that the whole family can be involved in doing. After the cookies are done, the family can put in a good movie, kick back, and enjoy the cookie.
The family can also bake a cake together. It is more fun to make up cake batter and then put it in cupcake pans. This way each family member can have a cupcake to decorate.
Greeting Cards
It is fun to make greeting cards as a family on a rainy day. Pull out the colored pencils, markers, and crayons. Have everyone sit at the table and create away. The cards can be made for any occasion the creator desires. Stickers are also fun to use on the greeting cards. Making greeting cards will provide the family hours of fun. Once the cards are done, pull out the coloring books and color. It is relaxing to color and something every family member can do.
Puppet Show
Item needed:
- Old magazine
- Card stock paper
- Popsicle sticks
- Craft or Elmer’s glue
- Crayons or markers
- Old box
- Material
- Ribbon
- Scissors
This rainy day project does require some prior preparation. Purchase the items and keep them around for a rainy day. A family puppet show is not that hard to create. It is a fun rainy day project that can be used over and over again.
First, cut out pictures from the magazines or draw pictures on the card stock paper. If the pictures are drawn, color them before cutting them out.
Once the pictures are cut out, glue them to a Popsicle stick, which will serve as the puppet handle. Allow these to dry.
While the puppets dry, the theater can be constructed. Use the cardboard box to make the theater. This can be done many different ways. Make sure there is a stage. Use the material to cover the theater and make the curtains.
Once the theater is made, the puppets should be dry. It is now time to put on the show. Some of the family members can be the actors and others the audience. Then they can switch off. The story can be original or one created from fairy tales that all of the players are familiar with.
This project will provide the family with a whole day of fun.
Car Track
Everyone loves cars. A fun family day activity is to build a car track. Build the track all around the house and play with the cars. Even the adults can play. The track can be setup up for racing too so that the family can have races. This will provide a full day of fun.
Board Games
Board games are an old standby thing to do on a rainy day. Monopoly is a great game to play that will take up a lot of the day. If there are younger players, get out the board games for the little ones. Whatever board games that are played, the whole family can get involved and have fun.
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Whatever a family decides to do on a rainy day, make it fun. Baking, greeting cards, puppet show, car track, and board games are five ways to have fun on a rainy day. It is important to slow down and take time to be together. A rainy day forces families to enjoy quality time with one another.