I am still tracking my points with Weight Watchers. I love it. Really, despite the complaints I might have on any given day - I really love it. I am losing weight. I am close to my 10% weight loss which will get me a key chain! Have you tried Weight Watchers before? If so, how did you do on it? One recipe I love to make is a Skinny Pesto Pasta. I make this recipe pretty regularly. It's easy, fast, and delicious. That's my favorite kind of recipe. I don't have time to make two difficult meals … [Read more...]
Garden Tomatoes
I bought three garden tomato plants at Costco this year. Reminder to self: don't buy tomato plants any more! With our busy schedule and uncertain summer sunshine we don't need to be growing our own tomatoes. For the price I paid on the plants, I could have bought tomatoes at the local organic farm 2 miles down the road. The only tomatoes that are growing well seem to be these little guys: I do admit - they are quite tasty. I will have to post my favorite simple pesto recipe with … [Read more...]