We laughed today about Isabella's home personality and her public personality. Whenever we are out in public whether it be church, shopping, or visiting family and friends she is a delight. Everyone comments on what a happy baby she is. She almost never cries in public. Her whining and crying is reserved for home. I suppose I don't mind everyone thinking she is the best behaved baby in the world. Friday, Isabella stood up by herself in the center of the room! She had been letting go while she … [Read more...]
Sleeping Beauty
I am so happy, Isabella is sleeping so much better this week. She is my sleeping beauty. I am hoping that the poor sleep phase at 8 months is now over. (Those weekly baby emails assured me it would soon pass.) We have had an exciting week! We are thrifty people. When we eat out, we almost always order water. We like to add little to go packet of lemonade or something to our water. Well, one packet I found was a sugar free Hawaiian Punch that is Blue. I keep it our diaper bag since that goes … [Read more...]