I am proud to say that my Little Man is completely potty trained. I've tried and tried with this kid but once again I've realized that when they are ready they are ready. He is completely out of diapers, even at night! I am seriously doing a celebratory dance right now. In celebration of this great milestone, I am teaming up with Kandoo to share a fun way to celebrate the potty training process, plus a chance to win one of 50 Potty Training Prize Packs. Yep, you heard that right - there will … [Read more...]
Potty Training Prep – the Must Haves
Potty training is an exciting time for toddlers and it can also be a stressful time for parents. We are in the very long process of potty training out two year old. I am constantly amazed at the difference between my daughter and my son. My daughter, by this age, wanted to be a big girl and start wearing underwear. My son? He could care less about being in diapers still. Now that we've transitioned to training pants, he still doesn't show much interest in going to the bathroom on our … [Read more...]
Potty Training? You Need to Check This Out
This is a sponsored post for Pull-Ups. I received samples for this review and a promotional item to thank me for participating. So my Little Man is 28 months old and we are potty training. We still have a ways to go, but he is doing good. If I stay consistent each day with this, he does quite well. Plus, he is starting to tell me when we are out and about when he has to go. That is a big plus. Potty training is a hard job isn't it? Maybe some kids have an easy time with it, but it has … [Read more...]
Our Potty Training Experience
I documented our experience with potty training my Princess quite frequently four plus years ago. It was a long transition for our family. I bought her a fun pink potty chair when she was 18 months. I had high hopes and expectations of potty training. But you know what? My daughter wasn't fully potty trained until she was 34 months. Yep, no more diapers or Pull-ups at 2 years old and 10 months. What a long ordeal! I learned a lot and even wrote an entire post with "10 Potty Training … [Read more...]
Is My Toddler Ready for Potty Training?
My son is 22 months old and the past month has been showing signs of being ready for potty training. I have been putting off this potty training thing a bit because honestly, my daughter was ready this early and I didn't think he'd really be. Plus, life is busy with the homeschool, travel, and the blog. Really busy. But the biggest reason just might be that I want him to stay a baby. Terrible, isn't it? How can my little baby be such a BIG Boy already? {It goes by fast, doesn't … [Read more...]
Toddler Must Haves: Bumbo Step Stool and Toilet Trainer
Where is the time flying? My Little Man is already 18 months old! It is crazy. My baby is a toddler. Since he is our last child, there honestly is a part of me that is sad I won't have a "baby" again. {Crazy, right?} This transition is a lot easier when we have great products in our home to help us get through. Meet the Bumbo Step Stool and Toilet Trainer: About the Bumbo Step Stool The Bumbo Step Stool helps toddlers take those first steps toward independence. It provides a stable … [Read more...]
Toddler Diapering
We are planning on having our second child! I am terrifiedmostly at the thought of going through the first 3 years again. I won’t lie toyou all. I think it was hard. In some ways, it does feel like it is gettingeasier, I admit freely that being a parent is the most difficult job in theworld – especially being a mommy.I vividly remember bringing home my Princess 3 hours aftershe was born. {Have I shared with you all my birth story? If not, I will haveto write up a post soon!} I was so happy my … [Read more...]