We are planning on having our second child! I am terrifiedmostly at the thought of going through the first 3 years again. I won’t lie toyou all. I think it was hard. In some ways, it does feel like it is gettingeasier, I admit freely that being a parent is the most difficult job in theworld – especially being a mommy.
I vividly remember bringing home my Princess 3 hours aftershe was born. {Have I shared with you all my birth story? If not, I will haveto write up a post soon!} I was so happy my parents caught a last minute flightinto the Sacramento airport. They were at the Birth Center in time to head homewith us. Their help was much needed and highly appreciated.
My owner’s manual – What to Expect When You’re Expecting –had been read and re-read so I cognitively understand what to do with anewborn. But, I was still terrified to be solely responsible for this squirminglittle being – beautiful and fragile in this new mommy’s eyes.
Those first few days when diaper changing was new and wewere not sure where to put the diaper and then the days when she was toddlingabout, squirming every which way so we didn’t have to put the diaper on – I rememberit all. {That is why I am bit terrified to go through it all again!}
We often called her our wiggle worm – Does any baby like toget their diaper changed? It seems like most babies want to run around barebummed and be free. When our Princess was toddling about wanting to be a BIGGIRL, and soiling Disney Princess panties, I would have loved to have the newHuggies Little Movers slip on Diapers on hand to help with the diaperingprocess. We did use the Little Movers diapers at that time but those were theold version. You have to check out the new slip on diapers. They are great! Andthey are perfect for your own wiggle worm.
You just have to catch that toddler, slip that diaper on andlet them keep running. It is just too easy!
Was your little toddler difficult to change? Is diaper timea time of frustration? Don’t forget to check out the new slip on diapers fromHuggies Little Movers.
“I wrote this blog post whileparticipating in the SocialMoms and Huggies blogging program, for a gift cardworth $35. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”