Thank you Nûby™ for sponsoring today's post. Now that he is 11 months old, my Little Man does not want to eat "baby" food any longer. He wants the same food we are eating. Usually he can eat all the things we have or at least part of our meals if I make them small enough. Here's a list of my Little Man's favorites. Finger Foods For Baby O-shaped toasted oat cereal Small pieces of lightly toasted bread with butter Small chunks very ripe peeled and pitted fruit (banana, mango, … [Read more...]
6 Teething Tips
We are at 7 months old now and my Little Man's is having teething issues. It is affecting his sleep and therefore affecting my sleep. When will I ever catch up on sleep? (This is deja vu people! I remember saying this with my Princess!) So here are some tips that we currently are using to combat teething: Teething Tips 1. Bibs - we are currently going through 4 per day. I purchased the water resistant bibs and they still are soaking through. Bibs and doing laundry often are a … [Read more...]
November 17 is Prematurity Awareness Day
Did you know that November 17th is Preemie Awareness Day? I did not. I am very thankful that both my children were full term. But I do know that many women have their babies early. Here in Indiana we had the opportunity to meet a women who's baby came at 25 weeks. She has a petite little girl who is nearing her first birthday, but she is not the same size as an almost 1 year old. About World Prematurity Awareness Day Did you know that worldwide, 13 million babies are born early every year, … [Read more...]
National Baby Wearing Month
Chicken? Well at least it was organic.
Well, my daughter is not quite 10 months old and she ate chicken! I was feeding her a left over Gerber Organic winter squash mixed with corn and she finished it. So I took out a new 3rd stage Earth's Best Organic Soup - split pea and carrot. She took her first bite of this new soup and made a small face but liked it well enough. After the third bite, I noticed something on the front that I didn't see when I bought it at BRU. The two small words that I should have noticed - "with … [Read more...]