Fifteen years ago, when my husband and I were dating, it was Spring. The cherry blossom trees were blooming pink and white and life was beautiful. We called them "Smooching Trees" back then. We'd kiss every time we saw one. Do you remember way back when you and your significant other first started dating? Every Spring time after that, including this Spring, when I see the blossoming trees, I think about my husband and how we'd kiss 20+ times every car trip. Don't you love Spring time memories? I … [Read more...]
Marriage Quotes
It is hard to believe that my husband and I have been married for 13 years. Wow! So this year, we are doing something low key - a great lunch, just the two of us at a fun Japanese restaurant. Two hours of time spent with just my husband has been long overdue. Happy Anniversary, honey! Our secret of success is making God the center of our life. There really is something to the "Family That Prays Together, Stays Together" quote. Spending time on Pinterest one night, I re-pinned a bunch of … [Read more...]