I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. We flew home from Montreal, Quebec on Sunday and fly out to Denver on Wednesday morning. These few precious days at home, in my own bed, are fleeting and chaotic. Mostly they are just plain stressful. Unpacking, cleaning, laundry, and repacking equals stress for my life. On top of this, due to time zone changes, my … [Read more...]
Singing Career
This week my Princess has made a big decision: She wants to be a singer when she grows up. She is certain of it. And now she is making up songs left and right about anything and singing quite loudly. The funny thing is she is on key pretty often. Maybe my mom is right - I should put her in singing lessons. Daddy told her he'd like her to be a doctor or dentist. She said no, she wants to be a singer. When he said that she could be both, she still emphatically said no, just a singer. In the … [Read more...]
Belly Button Obsession
I told you all over a year ago about my Princess' obsession with belly buttons. I wondered how long she would have this obsession, and yes, I can officially tell you that she still has it!I am more adamant about not allowing her to put her finger in my belly button now that she is over 3 and half. Her daddy still does not mind it, but as for me, I usually only let her do it if she gets hurt.{I realize that it is a comfort to her, but when she starts pulling up my shirt or dress in public, … [Read more...]
Call Me Mom
This week my Princess has a new "thing".She is calling me Mom.Not "mommy" like she normally does. But "Mom".Just like a big girl.It is so cute.We have been around my mom a lot this past month while we have been at home.She hears me call her "Mom" of course.{So I think she is mimicking me.}Time is always going to fly by, isn't it?She is just getting so big! … [Read more...]
The Fifth Commandment
sourceThe first Commandment that my Princess learned about a year ago was the 5th Commandment. My husband taught her that one.She often says 3-4 times per week. My Princess will say:"Honor your father and mother and your days will be long."She usually says this when she thinks that my husband and I are arguing. {We usually are not arguing either, but I think she hears a "tone" in our voices. She is a smart girl. Kids pick up on anything!}So this week my Princess surprised me. She was doing … [Read more...]
Marriage and Diapers
My Princess absolutely loved having her cousins visiting. {All three are boys, and she loves them!}I am sure she is lonely this week without them.This week, she told my sister that she was going to marry all three of them.It was so cute.{This doesn't mean she will be boy crazy does it?}While they were here, she wanted to be a helper with the youngest, a two year old.She was very interested in changing his poopy diapers. In her words,"I want to see his bagina."Then she frowned 'cause … [Read more...]
Bible Marking
When you don't hear a toddler for a certain length of time, you realize that they may just be doing something they are not supposed to.How many of you know what I am talking about?At church the other day, I didn't hear my Princess. So daddy decided to check on her. We were at church alone, checking our email. Sure enough, the Princess was sitting on the floor with a Bible (not her own) and a red pen.When daddy looked at what she was doing, he said, "No Bella! You are not supposed to write your … [Read more...]