For more Wordless Wednesday head over to 5 minutes for Mom. … [Read more...]
We’ve Arrived!
Well I spent my 31st birthday cleaning my house and driving 6 hours on our way to Washington. We arrived safely after a two day trip yesterday afternoon. What a great present though: moving to my home town, with a wonderful family of my own, in my own house! God is so good! And to top it off, my parents flew down to drive back with us. My husband and I drove in the U-Haul truck and my parents drove our car with the Princess! Who could ask for more? I dreaded the drive home (14 hours) with a … [Read more...]
Things I Love Thursday: First Home and Lake Tahoe
So, yes it is official - we are moving to Washington. I am so excited! Not only will I be close to family again but we are buying our first home. In fact it has already closed and we are home owners! It is very hard to believe. After ten years of renting, I love that we are going to be paying towards a home of our very own.Alas, I will miss the nice weather at Lake Tahoe in the summer. When you only live less than an hour from the beauty of this great lake it is something we tried to take … [Read more...]
Home Sweet Home
We are so excited to be in the end stages of buying a home. Unexpectedly, we flew up to Washington on Wednesday. The bank wanted our paperwork signed by Thursday, and we were not originally scheduled to fly up here until Friday. Praise God, the inspector could do a 3 hour home inspection Wednesday evening. Thankfully, our house passed the test with flying colors.Did I mention that we are buying a foreclosure? We are getting a great deal for so much less. A contractor built this home for himself, … [Read more...]