This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and Febreze. Now that my Princess is in school, I am starting to feel like a taxi driver. We've had a mini-van for a while now, but it seems I am officially a minivan mom now. We do have a great routine all set here in our home. Things are going quite smoothly. Thankfully, we don't have too much troubles getting out of the door on school mornings. Church? That is another issue. We can't seem to get there on time. Ever. Does your vehicle get … [Read more...]
The Kissing Trees: Spring Time Memories
Fifteen years ago, when my husband and I were dating, it was Spring. The cherry blossom trees were blooming pink and white and life was beautiful. We called them "Smooching Trees" back then. We'd kiss every time we saw one. Do you remember way back when you and your significant other first started dating? Every Spring time after that, including this Spring, when I see the blossoming trees, I think about my husband and how we'd kiss 20+ times every car trip. Don't you love Spring time memories? I … [Read more...]
Febreze Holiday Scents
This post is brought to you by SheSpeaks and Febreze. When the smell of pine hits your nose, or apple spice fills the air - it has the power to bring to mind the holidays. For me, these scents are inviting, warm, happy, and nostalgic. I love how scents evoke such a strong reaction in people. I can smell vanilla and it brings me back to the age of 17 and visiting a good friend's home. Febreze understands how we associate great scents with amazing times in our life. That is why they offer … [Read more...]