Autumn has begun. This is my favorite season of the year. You can see some of the activities that are on our family fall bucket list above. What is on your fall bucket list? One thing we look forward to each fall is a visit to our local pumpkin patch. Does your family visit a local farm near you and pick out pumpkins to carve? Fall Bucket List Ideas Visit the Pumpkin Patch Carving Pumpkins Roasting Pumpkin Seeds Baking Corn Maze Hay Ride Fall Crafts Crockpot … [Read more...]
My Bucket List
Well, I first learned of the term Bucket List when the movie came out. Then I stumbled across a blog - Lucy's Life - and she wrote her own Bucket List. This has inspired me to create my own Bucket List - a list of things I would like to accomplish before I die (in no particular order).Learn Spanish (I am one step closer. Last week, we got Rosetta Stone Level 1,2 and 3.)Quit eating so much sugar (notice I didn't say quit eating sugar entirely.)Learn how to sew so I can make crafts, pillows, duvet … [Read more...]