Well, I first learned of the term Bucket List when the movie came out. Then I stumbled across a blog – Lucy’s Life – and she wrote her own Bucket List. This has inspired me to create my own Bucket List – a list of things I would like to accomplish before I die (in no particular order).
- Learn Spanish (I am one step closer. Last week, we got Rosetta Stone Level 1,2 and 3.)
- Quit eating so much sugar (notice I didn’t say quit eating sugar entirely.)
- Learn how to sew so I can make crafts, pillows, duvet covers, window treatments, clothes and especially a quilt. The possibilities are endless.
- Lead women’s ministry and do it well.
- Direct a food bank and/or clothing closet.
- Learn how to bake well.
- Cook vegan unprocessed food one month straight (at least).
- Stay under 125 lbs.
- Start canning fruits and vegetables. (Just got a For Dummies book on this one.)
- Present seminars on finance, marriage, parenting and health/cooking.
- Finish a Master’s Degree.
- Finish a P.h. D
- Join a book club.
- Travel to Italy, Greece, Puerto Rico, and Costa Rica.
- Learn to surf, in easy small waves on a BIG board.
- Learn patience. (Please, God be easy on me with this one.)
- Daily exercise routine for life.
- Start an online business, selling something ๐
- Beat my husband golfing.
- Be the influence in my daughter and other family members’ and friends’ lives so that they will know and have a saving relationship with Jesus. (Heaven would not be the same without them.)
So this is only 20 things. I am sure I will add it to as I think of other things. I will cross out the things I accomplish. Hopefully some of these things I can cross out this new decade.
I would love to see your “Bucket List”. So, please link yours below if you have one. I want to get some ideas too!
Happy New Year!