I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Brother P-touch. I received a product samples to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating. Christmas is over. Are your holiday decorations all put away yet? Or do they look like my stuff up above? Are you like me, and love to shop after holiday clearance? I had bags and bags of things that I couldn't say no to when they went on 75% off clearance. Our holiday decorations were … [Read more...]
Holiday Organization with Brother P-touch
I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Brother P-touch. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating. I shop all year long for great deals on Christmas gifts. Then, those purchased gifts have a lovely home in a box or bin in my garage. If I were smart, I'd keep a list, write down what I purchased, and place them in the bins right when I get them. Instead, I have this huge mess right before the … [Read more...]
I’m a Brother P-Touch Label Maker Ambassador
I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Brother P-touch. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item as a thank you for participating. Great news! I am a Brother P-touch Ambassador With the holidays right at our heels, I am excited to share with you how I will get ready and more organized this holiday season. First, let me share a few photos with you of our garage and boxes. Above is the plastic container wall. … [Read more...]