Gone are the days of the high chair. Where is time going? We kept him in his high chair for a bit longer than we probably needed to. But honestly, we didn't have a booster seat for him and we weren't sitting at our kitchen table with him. Now, we've cleaned up our kitchen table and he has a new booster seat. And he LOVES it! (Does your kitchen table become a mess of papers, books, puzzles, and art supplies like mine? It's hard to keep up with it!) The kids love eating at the dinner … [Read more...]
Car Seat Safety Tips
When I had my first child, I was overwhelmed. There is just so much to learn, isn't there? One thing, that I didn't know enough about was car seat safety. I didn't know how long to keep my baby rear-facing, I didn't know the height and weight requirements for upgrading seats. I had to look up all the information online and it was still quite over whelming. Add to that, car seat rules and regulations seem to change frequently. I felt in over my head as a new mom. Are you feeling overwhelmed … [Read more...]
8 Table Manners For Kids
Thank you Nuby for sponsoring today's post. I am thankful that my daughter, who is 5, has pretty good table manners. We had to work on it though. She wants to stand, run around, chew with her mouth open, and eat whenever she wants to eat. But, we have consistently tried to teach her good meal habits. Here is a list of 8 table manners for kids: 1. Wash hands before dinner. 2. Don't complain about the food. 3. Eat when everyone else eats or when your parents say you can eat. 4. … [Read more...]