Thank you to Nuk for sponsoring today's discussion. My Little Man is almost 11 months old. He loves eating "big boy" foods now. No more purees for him. But he still has some difficult eating certain fruits and vegetables. We love fresh produce in our home and purchase organic whenever possible. Apples and strawberries are among my 5 year old's favorite fruits but both of these fruits are still a bit hard for my Little Man to eat. So the solution? The FreshFoods Cook-n-Blend Baby Food … [Read more...]
Chicken? Well at least it was organic.
Well, my daughter is not quite 10 months old and she ate chicken! I was feeding her a left over Gerber Organic winter squash mixed with corn and she finished it. So I took out a new 3rd stage Earth's Best Organic Soup - split pea and carrot. She took her first bite of this new soup and made a small face but liked it well enough. After the third bite, I noticed something on the front that I didn't see when I bought it at BRU. The two small words that I should have noticed - "with … [Read more...]