My kids love making obstacle course races in our backyard. They've been doing it for the last few years. They will pull outdoor toys from the garage and set them up. They grab the tablet, turn the stop watch feature on, and try to be the fastest. An obstacle course race is a great outdoor activity for kids. Do you remember being sent outside, all the time, when you were a kid? I know I do. Now that we are finally starting to get Spring weather, I am giving my kids no choice. They must go … [Read more...]
He Loves His New Pirate Ship Fort!
There are certain things that my children play on a weekly basis in our home; building forts is one of those things. They love forts - they destroy my living room quite regularly by taking off all the cushions, bringing in the bar stools and finding every single unused blanket in our house. Their forts get quite elaborate when daddy joins in the fun too. To be honest, the mess drives me batty. But, I let them have their fun and usually leave it up for at least one day. After that I can't take it … [Read more...]