I am now currently in the third week of my healthy living journey. This week, I have been working on making peace with myself. Making peace with how I look now, with the clothing size I am in, with the number on the scale. I must remind myself that God does not love me any more or any less based on these numbers. What He wants is my heart. I am worth more than any of those numbers. I'm not gonna lie. This has been hard. I love snacking on highly processed, high sugar foods. But, I am excited … [Read more...]
Powerless to EMPOWERED? Made to Crave Week 1
I have learned a lot about myself this week by participating in the online Bible study for Made to Crave. These were things that I already knew, but was not facing. So by reading the first few chapters of this book (with 40K other participants!) I had a bit of a wake up call. Do you live in a vicious cycle like me? I live in at least two vicious cycles: I crave what I eat then I eat what we crave. I vow to do better, make excuses throughout the day, then promise to do better again … [Read more...]
I’m Doing the Made to Crave Online Bible Study! Join Me?
So this month, I have been back on track with a healthier lifestyle. I want to lose weight. But, I also want to be more healthy. With two children underfoot, I want to give them a good example in healthy eating and maintaining a healthy weight. So I am doing it. Again. After baby number two came, getting rid of the weight has not been as easy. Maybe, since I am older than I was with baby number one (five years older!), it isn't coming off as easily. Or maybe it is because I have not really … [Read more...]