I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. We flew home from Montreal, Quebec on Sunday and fly out to Denver on Wednesday morning. These few precious days at home, in my own bed, are fleeting and chaotic. Mostly they are just plain stressful. Unpacking, cleaning, laundry, and repacking equals stress for my life. On top of this, due to time zone changes, my … [Read more...]
All About Her – My Princess
My daughter and I went on mommy daughter date last week and had a great time. I bought a new dress. She ate orange sherbet for the first time and loved it. It is hard to believe how fast time is going by. This is what it will always be like. A blink. And she'll be gone. Grown up. It is so bittersweet. My Princess She loves to dance in the aisle during song service. She steals the iPhone to watch Kung Fu Panda way too loudly during prayer. She is independent and stubborn. She has no idea … [Read more...]
My Daughter is Funny
The things that come out of my preschool age daughter's mouth often make me laugh. It is quite funny to hear the thoughts of an almost 5 year old girl. She recently was acting poorly, misbehaving, being disrespectful, and basically just pushing my buttons. I was losing it. And out of nowhere she says, "Mommy, please don't put this on Facebook." Now, how can I be angry at such a cute little thing? She is learning that in this digital age I am sharing more and more things about our life. … [Read more...]
Perfect Pushup
This week, my Princess loves the Perfect Pushup. She is so cute. I know I keep saying that. I know I am biased. But it is true. Tonight while daddy was doing his perfect push ups, she wanted to try too. So she held on to one handle and bent into it like a pushup and even made a grunting noise like daddy. We laughed so hard. I love this little girl. Of course, once I got up to get the camera, she was more interested in the camera than the perfect push up. … [Read more...]