I have been trying to grow my hair out for the last two years. Maybe more. I can't even remember, it has been so long. It just won't grow. While we were at the hairdresser last week getting my daughter's hair cut, she told me them hair has a life span. It won't grow longer than a certain length. Ever. Is that true? 'Cause if it is I am super bummed. I was hoping to get mid-back length hair at some point soon. So now I've been loading up my Pinterest Hair Inspiration board with possibilities … [Read more...]
10 Free Printable Lunchbox Notes and Food Ideas
This post brought to you by Dollar General. All opinions are 100% mine. Life gets so busy doesn't it? I mean it is August already and everyone is thinking about back to school. With back to school on our brains, we begin to think about stocking up on lunchbox supplies. What do you pack your kids in their lunchbox? We are homeschooling but that does not mean we don't pack lunches. We pack lunches quite regularly. When we are traveling or out and about, we often pack a lunch to eat more … [Read more...]
21 Summer Activities and Foods
This post brought to you by Dollar General. All opinions are 100% mine. Can you believe that July is almost over? Summer is flying by! Does your family have anything planned for the rest of the summer? We are currently on an annual Canoe Journey. I am actually typing this post in a tent! The amazing wonders of internet technology right? We still have a couple things planned for the month of August though so stay tuned! If you need some inspiration for summer, Dollar General has you … [Read more...]