Thank you Britax for sponsoring today's post. We have been customers of Britax since our daughter was a baby. We read so many great car seat reviews, that when shopping for a new car seat for her 1st birthday, we chose to buy a Britax Roundabout. Her next Britax car seat will be the Britax Parkway, we already have it. So when my Little Man was born, I was thankful that we already had a car seat for him to come home from the hospital in - the Britax B-SAFE. We have loved our … [Read more...]
Car Seat Myths
Thank you Britax and author Sarah Tilton for today's sponsored guest post. Fact or Fiction? Busting Car Seat Myths The advice of friends, family and even strangers can cause information overload for new and expectant parents. For especially sensitive topics, like car seat safety, BRITAX recommends parents seek guidance from a child passenger safety expert to ensure they’re learning the proper information. To help, we’ve asked BRITAX child passenger safety expert Sarah Tilton to help us … [Read more...]
Recipe For Easy Car Travel
We are taking a road trip with our kids this month. We will be driving to Northern California. Obviously since we travel for my husband's work, we should be pros at this road trip thing. But it is still difficult with two young kids. I am excited to have a guest post today from Sarah Tilton. She will be sharing a fun recipe! Recipe for Easy Car Travel Here are 9 essential ingredients for a successful car ride: 1-2 convertible car seats and/or booster seats (depending on number of … [Read more...]