One of my Princess' favorite gifts this Christmas season was her Boba Mini. Because now my Little Mommy can wear her own dollies. She brings her Mini in our van and wears her dolls out in public. It is so cute! Now my Princess can practice babywearing just like her mommy! Do you wear your babies? About the Boba Mini The Boba Mini is designed for carrying dolls and toys to help spread the joy of babywearing to children all over the world. The Mini matches our Boba Carrier 4G Classic … [Read more...]
Babywearing: Boba Carrier 4G
We are a baby wearing family. We bring a few different carriers with us when we travel. As my Little Man is getting older (he is turning 17 months old tomorrow *gasp*), I am truly thankful for our Boba Carrier. I can wear him on my back and it has foot straps. I really love those foot straps. Plus, this carrier is comfortable - much more comfortable than many baby carriers we have owned in the past. This week, Boba just announced that it has upgraded its Carrier. You can now purchase the Boba … [Read more...]