My Little Man loves grabbing toys. His hanging toys on his activity mat, the hanging toys on his car seat and the hanging toys on his bouncer are all up for grabs. It amazes me how fast time is going by! … [Read more...]
Crazy Eights
I was tagged by Hilary at A Beautiful Life. So here is some silly stuff to get to know me better. 8 Things I am looking forward to: Lunch tomorrow with a good friend plus shopping. (Gottshalks going out of business sale.) Easter with my family Trip to Washington in 2 weeks Mother's Day with not only my Princess but my parents will be here too. Trip to London and Paris this summer. When my Princess is out of diapers. When my Princess can talk better. Heaven - someday. 8 … [Read more...]
Child Labor Works For Me!
Child labor works for me. I know, that sounds terrible. So let me explain. Isabella helped mommy make the bed. She did her part by adding the decorative pillows. Then she helped carry the hamper of laundry to the wash machine and helped put it in the washer and dryer. I give her all the light items that are easy to load like socks and underwear. My Princess then proceeded to help unload the dishwasher. Her own dishes go in a separate drawer and she is quite happy to be responsible for putting … [Read more...]
Perfect Pushup
This week, my Princess loves the Perfect Pushup. She is so cute. I know I keep saying that. I know I am biased. But it is true. Tonight while daddy was doing his perfect push ups, she wanted to try too. So she held on to one handle and bent into it like a pushup and even made a grunting noise like daddy. We laughed so hard. I love this little girl. Of course, once I got up to get the camera, she was more interested in the camera than the perfect push up. … [Read more...]