This is a sponsored post for Kadho. All opinions are mine alone. My son has far surpassed his age group in the ability to speak and communicate. It's amazing to see the differences in both of my children. My daughter was much further behind. Many people have mentioned that second children pick up words and sentences more quickly than first. Whether that is true or not, I am happy that we have been able to communicate with him without too much frustration. The exciting language … [Read more...]
World Prematurity Day and RSV Awareness
I participated in a campaign brought to you by Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for MedImmune. This is a sponsored post. We are getting well into the month of November. Can you believe it? Do you remember last year when I talked about World Prematurity Day? Well, it is already here again. November 17th is World Prematurity Day. I am thankful that both of my children came full term with no complications. Do you have an experience with a premature baby? About Prematurity Each year worldwide, … [Read more...]
5 First Birthday Gifts with Spark Studio
Thank you Walmart Labs for sponsoring today's discussion. I love to shop online. I love Pinterest. Walmart has blended the best of my favorite online worlds with their new innovative site: Spark Studio. Now I can browse around and easily Pin ideas for my Little Man's first birthday gifts. Do I have your attention yet? I mean, come on? Pinterest and Shopping? Need I say more? About Spark Studio Spark Studio is the fun, new, and exciting way to shop Walmart. They have created an innovative … [Read more...]