Kung Fu Panda 3 Synopsis: After reuniting with his long-lost father, Po travels to a secret village and meets tons of hilarious new panda friends and family members. But when the supernatural villain Kai challenges all the Kung Fu masters across China, Po must discover the teacher within himself and train his clumsy brethren to become the ultimate band of Kung Fu Pandas!
Coming to Blu-ray June 28!
Kung Fu Panda 3 Special Features
• Everybody Loves a Panda Party – Join Po and the entire cast of lovable pandas to sing-along
and learn why everybody loves a panda party in this all-new presentation.
• Po’s Posters of Awesomeness – Po leads a deeper exploration of the awesome art in Mr. Ping’s
hut as the posters come to life and illustrate his hilarious stories.
• Panda Paws – Watch the enormously talented panda ribbon dancer Mei Mei starring with Bao in
an exclusive animated tale.
• Make a Panda Party Paper Pal – Learn the mystic art of paper folding and create a village of
panda pals as Po hosts this fun and entertaining tutorial.
• Play Like a Panda – Adorable overload! Learn all about real baby pandas, their amazing lives,
and their remarkable playful ways.
• The Origin of “Skadoosh” – For the first time ever, Po reveals the extra-super-secret origin of
his world-famous catchphrase.
• Faux Paws Deleted Scenes – Discover fascinating story insights with this revealing collection of
deleted footage you couldn’t see in theaters!
Kung Fu Panda 3 Free Printable Activities
- Kung Fu Panda 3 Connect the Dots
- Kung Fu Panda 3 Tigress Paper Toy
- Kung Fu Panda 3 Easy Maze
- Kung Fu Panda Spot The Difference
Connect with Kung Fu Panda
Win Kung Fu Panda 3 Awesome Edition
One lucky Long Wait For Isabella reader will win their own copy of this family movie on Blu-ray combo pack. Enter the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win. Open to US and CAN residents 18+.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine alone.
Susannah says
How fun! Kung Fu Panda 3 sound really good!
shelly peterson says
I entered the wrong link for my re-pin on 6/12 in the giveaway form here is the correct link