My daughter loves play makeup. Absolutely loves it. She plays dress up almost daily and I find her makeup not only all over her face, but usually her brother’s face too. I won’t embarrass him in the future with blog pictures of that. Sorry, I know you’d all love to see her makeup application skills on my Little Man.
There has been more than one occasion that she has tried to sneak out of the house wearing her play makeup. {I did that too, but I think I was a bit older…} We always catch it and make her wash her face. I mean, seven is just too young in my book to be wearing makeup. I’ve noticed some of her family and friends (that are close to her age) already wearing makeup. Real actual makeup, like Mistry’s Pharmacy makeup, intended for much older girls. So my question is this:
What age did you let your daughter wear makeup?
My mom didn’t let me wear makeup until I was seventeen! I did start sneaking it before then, but if I got caught I’d be in trouble. So I won’t wait until she is 17, but I am curious what the average age for wearing makeup now is.
I am not a big makeup wearing person, I usually wear a tinted moisturizer daily and church usually gets mascara and lipstick – other than that, I am not the makeup queen I once was. (Yes, my husband actually used to call me that pre-kids.) I do believe in natural beauty, but I am also a realist. I know girls love makeup. I just don’t want her growing up too fast!
My girls are 6 and 8 and wear play make-up. Last night as we were going out the door to sparks I noticed my 6 yr old had green eye shadow on (her brows!!) all I said was “you put eye shadow on” She beamed back a “Yes” so why would I burst her bubble when she was so happy with her application??!! So we shipped out the door. I do draw the line when they have it caked on a really bright colors. I think it is a shame the teenagers with the black drawn eyes 🙁
I remember wearing outlandish makeup when I was a teen too. I am hoping to figure out between now and then the best way to get across true beauty to my daughter. Parenting is not easy! But, yes, I am sure your six year old looked cute! Her makeup application seems to be a lot like my seven year olds!
My daughter has her fake play makeup for when she plays dress up but not real makeup, the only think she actually wear is kids nail polish, but she is only 4. So I have yet to worry. But I remember when I was like 12 and i came out the house in full makeup; eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, & the ugly drawn on lip liner (lol), and as soon as my dad seen me, he was steaming mad, he told me to go wash my face off and not to ever come out looking like that again. My mom didn’t to much show she cared, but my dad was mortified. I don’t think i ever wanted to wear makeup for a long time after tha, i think when i about almost 17 i started wearing makeup again, but not so much.
In my case, it was my mom who cared more than my dad. She did not want me wearing makeup or immodest clothing at all. She was quite strict. I am thankful now, but being a teen is hard!
Hello, I am not a mum so I cannot provide it from that point of view, but I am 13 so I understand this from a childs view. I think that seven is an age where she could get away with playful things like lipgloss, maybe even a touch of lipstick. Although I do know the odd occasion where makeup ends up all over faces from past experience..Shes gorgeous by the way.
Thank you for coming by, Aimee! I appreciate your visit and your comment. Please come back anytime.
I started when they was around 10, but that was only in the house ,, never outside…
I don’t remember when I started, but it wasn’t earlier than 10, and never outside of the house. I am sure there were girls that wore full makeup at age 7 and 8 though.
I started at 15 and my dad said I would have Mary Kay consultant come and show you how to do it natural. I played his game and by 16 he didn’t have no say unless it was way to dark. I don’t have a girls but I say 15 or 16. There were girls in my class that started at 7th grade though.
My daughter is 8 so I have a while. My mom always told me I am beautiful with out make up