I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and Walgreens #HealthCareClinic.
How can I not protect these little cutie pies while we are traveling on the road? I know I am biased, but look at them they are perfect. {You’d never guess how ornery they could be by looking at their sweet faces…} Since we started traveling for my husband’s job in 2010 with our first child and now with two, we’ve had many sick days.
You see, my husband works with a local church to provide a free seminar to the community. Dozens and dozens come out each night to hear the Bible and after the evening ends, he shakes their hands and visits with them. You can see where I am going, right? Germs, Germs, Germs. My husband and daughter seem to get sick fairly often. What is it with people who want to touch your baby’s hands and face? I mean, I love people but come on, that’s my kid and I am the one who is up all night when they catch your sickness!
Have you had an experience where you weren’t sure when to take your kid to the ER? We have had that experience twice now. The sickness got so bad, the temperature so high, and there was throwing up involved. One time we walked out of the ER with nothing but Tylenol and a $500 dollar bill. We weren’t even seen by a doctor either!
So you can imagine my excitement when I start to see Walgreens Healthcare Clinics popping up across the country. For those moments, when traveling moms aren’t sure when to bring their child to the ER, we can now walk into the Walgreens Healthcare Clinic New Orleans (or other clinic nearby us) to get help from professional healthcare providers. What a relief!
At the Walgreens Healthcare Clinic:
- walk ins and appointments are available
- open 7 days and weeknights
- most insurance welcome
- treatment for patients 18 months+
- board certified Family Nurse Practitioners
- On-site pharmacy
My only question is, why did they take so long to do this? I am seriously happy people. The Walgreens Healthcare Clinics are only available in select locations now and I can’t wait to see them in even more states and cities! The closest one to me currently is New Orleans but there are many locations. Visit www.walgreens.com/clinic to find a location near you.
I want to keep my kids healthy and safe while we are traveling this great country of ours. But, I also need to save money on our healthcare costs. Walgreens Healthcare Clinic has made that possible. Thanks Walgreens!
What would you like to save money on in 2014?
I love the fact that this type of clinic is IN the pharmacy! You can be seen and pick up any Rx’s you might need, right then and there!
That is what I love too. Right in the pharmacy and I can shop at Walgreens too. It is all there for me. LOVE it!
That is awesome that more walk in clinics are opening up. I love using urgent care on the weekend or after normal dr hours.
Yes, I agree Christy. There are many times when we are traveling that we don’t know where the Urgent Care clinics are so I am so glad to see the Healthcare Clinic in Walgreens. I always know where the local Walgreens is!
I LOVE that these are popping up! You’re right – no one really wants to use an ER when you’re on the road. Thanks SO much for sharing!
You are welcome, Cayce. Thank you for stopping by too. I love visits and comments. Come back again anytime!
.I am so glad Walgreens is starting this too. I know CVS did but we don’t have a CVS near me 🙂
Where we live in Washington, we don’t have a CVS either. I have two Walgreens near me though. I love Walgreens! And I am so happy they are now doing this. I can’t wait to more Healthcare Clinics opening up.
Urgent Care places are such a drag. Huge bills and very little service. Love that Walgreens has their own program to help save money!
I so glad too, Nicole. We have great health insurance but I still have a deductible that I am responsible for. I want to save money and go to a place I can trust. I trust the Walgreens name for sure!
Great tips for on the road! costs can certainly add up fast
They do add up so fast, Sarah. It is amazing how expensive health care can get. I am glad there are more options for families like mine!
I fear taking my kids to the ER but they always seem to get sick after hours. The Walgreens Healthcare Clinics seem to be the perfect solution! #client
I fear it because I always think it is going to be this huge waste of money. Once we get out of the house and head to the doctor’s office or ER, their fever is gone and they “feel” better… I am loving that the Health Care Clinics are so easy to find, get into, and get out of.