This post brought to you by K12, the leader in online education. All opinions are 100% mine.
Have you thought about teaching your preschool age child from home? We did two years of preschool at home with my Princess and she loved it. In fact, we will be doing the same thing with our Little Man. Now that I know about EmbarK¹² I am even excited about early learning!
Have you heard of EmbarK12 Comprehensive- Online and hands-on preschool program for your early learner.
About EmbarK¹²
EmbarK¹² is a family of preschool programs that includes EmbarK¹² Online and EmbarK¹² Comprehensive. This is a grea form of early learning your child is sure to love. Plus, it will get them more than ready for Kindergarten.
About EmbarK¹² Online
EmbarK12 Online – Over 830 interactive activities to engage your preschooler. This online part of the EmbarK¹² family is for independent learning for ages 3-6. Developed by educational experts, this program is based on research and industry standards for early learning. There are 12 units of activities and children will learn Math, Language, and Literacy. Your children will love the songs, videos and activities.
Normally $59 for a 12 month subscription, my readers can use the code EmbarkSpecial and pay only $29.50! That is a 50% savings! Visit EmbarK12 today and save! {This code is only available for 7 days so get it now!}
About EmbarK¹² Comprehensive
EmbarK¹² Comprehensive contains over 12,00 age appropriate activities with over 288 hours of activities in all! This is a truly comprehensive program for Pre-K children. 18 units cover six subjects including Math, Language, Science, Social Studies, Music, and Art. EmbarK¹² Comprehensive is used nationwide with childcare providers and education providers and is now available for home use!
Watch this video to learn even more:
Wouldn’t you like to try the Kindergarten readiness programs by K12. Try a sample activity today.
Looks like a very good program. Sharing with friends with small children – thanks
Thanks Debbie. It’s a great deal too!
I love this program. I want to sign my littlest up.
How much does the Complete program cost with all the learning tools?
Embark12 Comprehensive is $118 per year, Jessica. I wish I had a code for that one to share with you but I don’t. This program contains a lot though! I am sure you wouldn’t be disappointed!
That looks like a great kit. Will have to check this out for my daughter.
I do not have any children but think this would be a great tool to use for little ones to get them interested in learning and prepared for kindergarten. It amazes me what is out there these days to help parents help their children!
Looks like fun for kiddos. Will pass along to parents with young kids.
How I wish resources like these were available when my kids were young!