Thank you CLARITIN® and Mom Select for sponsoring today’s post.
Do you or your children suffer from allergies? My husband and daughter do. Both suffer from seasonal allergies and my husband is also allergic to cats. Before allergy season hits for us late in the spring, we like to prepare. We are thankful for CLARITIN® in our home. This over the counter allergy medication is safe for both adults and children and is a life saver during allergy season.
Allergy Preparation and Tips for Parents:
- Keep toys and knick knacks free of dust
- Watch for signs of allergies and treat accordingly
- Put clothing away in drawers and closets
- Change clothing if necessary when children are playing outside
- Pay attention to pollen count and production of pollen
- Use dust covers on mattresses
- Remove wall-to-wall carpet in bedrooms if possible
- Utilize the shower or bath before bed to keep allergens down during sleep
- Use a neti-pot or nasal spray to clean sinuses of allergens
- Use cool cloth or gel face mask to comfort itching eyes
- Take CLARITIN® once per day
What other tips do you recommend during allergy season?
I was sent a small packet of information and CLARITIN® product to share with moms in my social circle. If you’d like to see the 2013 Preparedness Checklist then visit Google Drive and view or download.
Moms I know, love getting samples of products and information about their children’s allergy issues. I am thankful that I am a CLARITIN® Mom Crew Member. Not only do I get great information about allergies but I can share this information and samples with friends. You see, before I was a Crew Member I also purchased this product for my husband and daughter. It really works well to fight their seasonal allergies!
I give the toys a good cleaning in the spring too. Anything that can I put right in the dishwasher to get all the nooks and crannies. I make sure to have a fresh filter in the vacuum as well.
Anything that can go in the dishwasher goes in ours too. A fresh filter in the vacuum is a great tip. That reminds me that I need to replace ours!
Great tips! When allergies make my eyes real itchy, I use a cotton ball to wash my eye lids with a solution of warm water and baby shampoo.
That is a great trick Angela. I am going to have to tell my husband about this one. He gets itchy eyes pretty often.
Great tips! We’re traveling next week and my allergies have started to flair up so I’m just waiting to see if my kids feel the affects as well. Allergies while traveling is NOT fun!
Allergies while traveling are definitely not fun. My husband has had to deal with this when he was at his sister’s bedside in Ohio last week. He had a miserable time with his allergies!
I have had friends who use the Neti pot with their kids and they’ve had awesome results, too! Great tips!